Wednesday, March 26, 2014

** 3/26/14 **

I need to learn Arabic

Time is flying and I'm already starting to think of the things I will miss in a few singing Mandate Voci hymn number 44 in Italian that doesn't exist in Inglese.
Good week! I got to do a scambio with Sorella Lopez in Varese! Dreams come trueee. and best news of all! BAPTISM THIS SATURDAY. She is a 10 that Wolfgramm talked about. The people that will find YOU! It has been so great teaching her and seeing her growth, my first lesson with her here after we watched the Resto film I set the date, she went from slightly aprehensive to stoked in like 5 mins. Now she is the most prepared I have ever seen. I AM SO EXCITED.
I need to mention how much I have loved each of my companions. Like I have mentioned before about the theme of love, man, I know I have just loved so much. My compie Slla Egbert is rad. I think I laugh the most with her than I have my whole love. We are like punch drunk half the time with the lamest jokes. Yesterday we had a dance off, a prophet dance off. This is life haha.
We just have sooo many rad people we are working with, it's just like the district when homie says, I'm so tired, it doesn't make sense because I'm so happy. I learned the desire of having a day of rest that is for sure. SO ENJOY YOUR SUNDAYS. I am covetous.
I don't know what to say, sorry, lost the desire to write. I feel like I can't express my feelings or experienes with the same amount of oomph as if you were in front of me or even there.
That is the best part of the mission, I would have to take out my mind and heart and put it into you for you to understand.
Today we are going to the top of Duomo with some of my favorite people, Sorelle Lopez, Burkman, Astel and Curtis.
I LOVE THE MISSION. I will be the creepily obsessed person with a shrine of Italy in my room. and I am looking forward to it. ;)
Thanks to all who have been so amazing to me!!! Sorry I suck at writing back!
I want a crud of good for you.
Slla G.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

** 3/19/14 **

no timeee

bahumbug. i should just start writing this thing first. sorry to those who i cant respond to! Life is busy but good. Lots of people about to get baptized! Lot's of crazzyyy miracles that have been testimony builders. Lots of revelation and answers to to questions that I haven't specifically even asked Heavenly Father. Awesome example. I have always wanted to teach and baptize a Luigi because it's my fav Italian name, haven't really known a Luigi out here. But we were helping Gino and Susy move their office the other day, who I feel so close to, Idk if I have even told you about my people lately. Innactive wifey and non member hubby who is reading the book of mormon and has a bap date ;) anyways, on his business card it said Luigi, we were like whaaat, is your name Luigi? YUP. Big fatty sign that I found my Luigi!!!!
There's also a crazy story involving Sorella Egbert and Pepa Pig, a cartoon out here. Remind me to tell you that one when I see you next.
If you read the scriptures you will find a reason you studied what you studied that day! Oh uomo.
Love is the most important thing in the world. Love people like you would like to be loved and the world will go round.
A dopo!
Slla G.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

** 3/12/14 **

--This is all I got this week! --

No time!

Really quick. WE HAD A BAPTISM AND IT WAS BEAUTIFUL. It all happened so quick. Cute little Bryan and Mark, ahhhhh I love them! Bryan's prayers last night at FHE and English class, (he volunteers to pray every prayer haha) he kept saying how happy he was he was baptized! 
So many people are progressing and it is amazing! 
Sorella Gillette
-- this is the email her Dad got this week--
-He wrote to her and that doesn't happen often enough. :) - He was asked to give a talk in Church in a couple of weeks so he asked her to write a little something to share with our Ward and here it is. --
Well Dad, 
I am currently leaking out of my face in a middle eastern internet point. Thanks for that. As soon as I saw you wrote me I was so excited I saved it for last. It's too rare ya know. Thanks for writing me I don't think you understand how much I appreciate it. You are innactive in writing your daughter...repent ye hethen. 
kidding. kind of. man this is so much pressure! I don't know what to say to your ward but here it goes I suppose. 
To the dearest ward that has helped my parents so much, 
I knew you would be amazing as soon as my parents moved and I just had the feeling that the ward in California would be the turning point for them, hence I sent their info to the referral office of the mission here. 
Man how do I feel? There's not words that can express how blessed I have been and how undeserving I am. I can't comprehend the love that Heavenly Father has for us because He gives us SO MUCH and asks for barely anything. Seriously. Go to church for 3 hours a week and read your scriptures a little bit everyday? Figurati.
I know that my parents' story is one of the reasons I meet the people I meet. They are the biggest part of my testimony and everyone knows about them. I'm not sure if a day goes by where I don't talk about them and these crazy miracles that I NEVER THOUGHT would happen. I had no faith in that. 
I even found out my dad would baptize my mom through my first new convert here. 
For example, we visited a family the other night here in Milano who are from Venezuela and the dad was just baptized about 7 months ago, he is actually the one that originally had the missionaries come over so many years ago but never wanted to change. We could tell they are struggling a bit with activity and testimony. We talked about the blessings of obedience and above all, the temple. When I was getting to know them, because I'm new here, I was asking them all kinds of questions about their life then they turned it to me and I told them my story. My companion bore testimony on how my experiences give her hope and strengthen her testimony and how my parents just went to the temple last week and that when I get home we will be sealed together. Now this family hasn't gone yet to the temple and they had a son pass away and haven't done work for him. When I talked about how beautiful it is that they will be together forever through the ordinances of the temple, I got really choked up and almost cried. They noticed and the spirit was so strong. 
Not in a cocky way, but I get to be a convert success story, a part member family, less active, success story, even for all the other missionaries! I know part of the reason I am here with these blessings in this moment is to show people how real the gospel is in the family. So many investigators, less actives, part member families change their opinion instantly when I say "If my parents can do it anyone can do it." 
Especially about the Word of Wisdom! I get to boldly spirit slap my beloved people here with the reality that Heavenly Father is literally waiting to shower us with blessings if we just do SOMETHING to act on our faith. Good gravy it is so simple but we forget so often just how important it is to read, pray and come to church. 
I don't know who my parents are now, and I am so excited! I don't know who I am anymore either. Italy has permanently changed me. I found my testimony here. I am still finding it. Why? Because our search for a testimony is never over. 
I have seen the power of God change people here. Even within minutes of talking to them I have seen their countenance change. I have witnessed the impossible. My mom and dad are better active members than I ever was! All my friends in the mission ask me all the time about how they are doing and how amazing all this is! 
The priesthood is great and real and the restoration really happened! I know my parents are using their talents and blessings to bless the lives of the people in California, and I bet they never thought their lives would bless hundreds across the world. 
I cannot doubt there is a God or that the Book of Mormon isn't true. Partly because of these changes I have witnessed here and heard about back home. President Uchtdorf said in conference to doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith. I have a very strong testimony that the Book of Mormon was written for us, and I talk about the Book of Mormon with EVERY PERSON that I try to talk to. Repentance equals Joy. My branch president in San Remo said that, and I have witnessed that for myself through my parents and my beloved people here. I feel the love of the Savior through the people in my life. I am the luckiest Sorella in the world. 
Sorry if this wasn't what you were looking for, I kind of rambled, and alot of it is hard to say in English. 
Read the scriptures everyday and don't forget who really gave you all that you hold dear. 3 Nephi 14 7-11. 
I never thought my parents' testimonies would A. exist haha. and B. Strengthen me and the people I serve every single day. My dad has the priesthood?! What the heck?! My mom is going to teach Sunbeams?!! She is a sweet little missionary who loves the gospel and people in general. I remember her saying "I'm not racist, I hate all people." NOW WHO ARE YOU?! 
I am eternally thankful for the welcoming example of this ward that has changed my life FOREVER. Literally. Do you realize it's forever? THANK YOU!!! You all have affected wayyyyy more people than you can comprehend. than I can comprehend! 
Mamma mia. If you can't tell, I can chat for a long time like my Dad. 
Vi Volgio tantissimo bene!!!!!! Grazie di tutto! 
Sorella Gillette

Friday, March 7, 2014

** Email 3/5/14 **


Nope, not shrimp scampi. Scambi! I was able to do a scambio with Sorella Astel the other day in our city and it was greatttt to be back together again. We saw alot of miracles and set two bap dates with some of my favorite people we are working with! So good to catch up, we have changed so much in different ways and we were only apart for 7 weeks. 
Now we are in COMO. After this we are going to see the famous lake and go through centro and the duomo. Guess who I scambied with? SORELLA CLAWSON! One of my dear sweet dream compies who was in my MTC district. We set a bap date as well with a cute little boy they are working with! Yay part member families!
After this we are headed to another city to switch it up with the sorelle. Just going to Lugano, Switzerland. No big deal. Yupp steppin foot in another country!! I am so stoked. We are going today and gonna check out a little bit of it for the end of pday. 
Man we are just seeing a ton of miracles in Milano. One of our investigators is getting baptized Saturday! I set a bap date with him my first weekend here, and it got bumped up by 3 weeks! haha complicated story but his older sister and cousin are barely dunked new converts, he and his older brother are investigators but the brother meets with the anziani and his date was for this saturday. we set Bryan's for later so we could check with his mom who didn't want him to at first. BAM. So excited. Just weird being away from Milano for 3 days in a row, not doing any of our own work. But it is great to help the sorelle. I am learning so much and I know I have helped them here in Como already. Excited to see how Lugano goes, I will be going with a brand new missionary from Germany. She doesn't speak Italian so let's hope her English is okay. SHARADES PARTY!
Love you all. Set Goals and make your time meaningful, life is pointless otherwise.
Sorella Gillette